There is a growing experimental interest in coupling cavity photons to the cyclotron resonance excitations of electron liquids in high-mobility semiconductor quantum wells or graphene sheets. These media offer unique platforms to carry out fundamental studies of exciton-polariton condensation and cavity quantum electrodynamics in a regime, in which electron–electron interactions are expected to play a pivotal role. Here, focusing on graphene, we present a theoretical study of the impact of electron–electron interactions on a quantum Hall polariton fluid, that is a fluid of magneto-excitons resonantly coupled to cavity photons. We show that electron–electron interactions are responsible for an instability of graphene integer quantum Hall polariton fluids towards a modulated phase. We demonstrate that this phase can be detected by measuring the collective excitation spectra, which is often at a characteristic wave …
Nature Publishing Group
Publication date:
14 Nov 2016
Biblio References:
Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9
Nature communications